Some of the terms I hear in every day conversations amongst
both classmates and professors, but usually just nod in agreement despite my
lack of understanding as to what they are trying to say.
It is not easy to admit that you are confused when it comes
to something you are supposed to be so well-versed in so I have included the
list of Ragan’s “18 Common PR Terms- Defined”.
Pubs – publications, as in “we need to get media coverage in 100
Hits – media coverage.
Opp – opportunity, as in an opportunity to get media coverage.
Journo – a reporter (journalist).
Pitch – note to inform/gauge interest.
Running/ran – article appeared.
Traction – interest/coverage.
Open the kimono – reveal more details.
Prezo – a PowerPoint presentation.
Release – a news announcement (as opposed to a product release).
Launch – the public marketing announcement of a G/A product (G/A =
generally available).
B-roll – “highlights” video of something we want to promote (company,
person, event), often used to show broadcast outlets the potential for a story
and/or provide them with footage for the story.
Ed Cals – editorial calendars (predetermined story topics by media
Boilerplate – short description of a company, most often used at the end of
a press release.
Evergreen – story/pitch angle that won’t fade over time, could be
pitched/published at any time (as opposed to news that is only relevant during
a certain period of time).
In-house – a “corporate” job in which one conducts PR inside a business,
as opposed to an agency job in which one services several clients at once.
Flack - although defined as “a publicist or promoter,” it is also a
derogatory reference—often used by journalists—to describe a bad PR executive.
Hack - PR’s response to “flack,” often used to describe a poor
journalist or reporting job.
Hopefully you found this list beneficial. Personally, I don't see myself using the phrase "open the kimono" anytime soon, but I guess you never know!
To see the article regarding "PR Slang", click here.
Great job Marguerite! :)