Payscale completed research to create an infographic to answer this question: "Do employers "like" social media?" ComeRecommended elaborated on key takeaways, specifying that results revealed employers feel social media is for brand promotion, but are weary of employee use because a negative tweet can spread like virtual wildfire.
Pertaining to the field of public relations, the infographic states that "59% of media companies actively encourage their employees to use social media." Works for me. Not only does Payscale contribute evidence to social media policies in small, medium and large companies, especially within the media field, but it also shows us that employers love social recruiting, mainly on LinkedIn. Adding to the be-careful-but-smart-with-social-media debate (and recent blog post), this research provided in visual form tells future PR professionals what to expect in regards to social media in the workplace and hints that we should definitely use social networking to our career and job search advantage.

Photo credit: ComeRecommended
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