Sunday, January 15, 2012

Résumés in the New Year

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But when it comes to opinions of how a résumé should be formatted, they can complicate the making of your résumé. Ultimately, creating and updating your résumé is up to you. offers valuable advice regarding preferred résumé formats versus those that are so last year (or two weeks ago...).
  1. Gretchen Weiners couldn't make "fetch" happen. So why try to make "objective statements" happen?
    • Your customized objective should be explained within your cover letter.
  2. Be specific
    • Use specific examples and try to include concrete numbers instead of being generic.
  3. Craft a cover letter
    • Customize each according to the job position in order to relay aspects of your personality and career/internship objectives.
  4. Use their keywords
    • If they are looking for a charismatic, social media savvy intern, include the keywords "charismatic" and "social media savvy" in your cover letter and résumé.
  5. QR codes are trendy
    • Link them to your portfolio or LinkedIn profile so professionals can immediately connect with you.
  6. Visual résumés
    • These help you stand out from the crowd by accompanying your traditional résumé.
  7. Résumé Video
    • Go the extra creative mile to show your unique skills and personality.
  8. Promote yourself on social media
    • Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are your friends. Use them (wisely) to put your personal brand out there.
Here's the entire article so you can finally update your résumé 2012 style. If you haven't crafted a résumé yet, check out the new tools Marist offers through Career Services: FoxQuest.

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